Shilajit and oral health

So far we have discussed the oral intake of shilajit for the prevention of multiple health issues. But there are also other ways shilajit can be applicable. External application of shilajit for skin, hair and teeth is also now widely popular amongst its users. 

Oral health is a prevalent factor in our overall health. Oral diseases are caused by a range of amendable risk factors, including sugar consumption, tobacco use, mineral deficiency, alcohol use, processed food and poor hygiene of course. In this blog we will discuss oral health issues and use of shilajit. Let us guide you in managing your oral health and how shilajit can help in it.

Oral health conditions:

Oral diseases, while largely avertable, pose a major health burden for many countries and affect people throughout their lifetime, causing pain, discomfort, disfigurement and even death. According to the WHO it is estimated that oral diseases affect nearly 3.5 billion people worldwide. Untreated dental caries (tooth decay) in permanent teeth is the most common health condition according to the Global Burden of Disease 2019.

Factors affecting oral health:

Availability and affordability of food with high sugar content and poor oral hygiene practices are some of the important factors leading to oral diseases. Marketing of food and beverages high in sugar, as well as tobacco and alcohol, have led to a growing consumption of products that contribute to oral health conditions.


The affliction of oral diseases can be managed through public health interventions by addressing common risk factors.
These include:
⦁ Brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each time. Use a soft-bristled brush and fluoride toothpaste with minerals.
⦁ Floss daily.
⦁ Use mouthwash to remove food particles left after brushing and flossing.
⦁ Replace your toothbrush every three to four months or sooner if bristles are widened or worn.
⦁ Schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings.
⦁ promoting a well-balanced diet low in free sugars and high in fruit and vegetables, mineral supplements and favoring water as the main drink;
⦁ stopping use of all forms of tobacco, including chewing of areca nuts;
⦁ reducing alcohol consumption; and
⦁ Encouraging use of protective equipment when doing sports and travelling on bicycles and motorcycles (to reduce the risk of facial injuries).

How shilajit helps?

⦁ Shilajit is a mineral-rich resin that has long been used as a supplement for its healing properties. Shilajit is a homeopathic treatment used by local residents of India and Pakistan. Shilajit contains a wide range of vitamin B (from B1 to B6), vitamin E, and some vitamin D3. Not only that, but it also contains quite a few minerals ranging from Zinc, potassium, Iron, Calcium to Magnesium, amino acids like fulvic acid and many more. It may have specific components that inhibit the formation of cavities and the growth of cancer cells. An experimental research analyzed the effects of fulvic acid, an active component of shilajit, on the growth of oral bacteria and squamous cell carcinoma. The suppressive mechanisms observed by fulvic acid on both S. mutans and SCC-25 cells could improve overall oral health.
⦁ Shilajit is a natural biological stimulant strengthening tooth enamel and accelerating its re-mineralization, as well as reducing pain feelings in the mouth cavity, gingival bleeding and inflammation.
⦁ For healing our gums shilajit paste can be applied to your gums for half an hour in the evening. Furthermore, shilajit does wonders on the streptococci (a bacterium) found in your mouth, meaning it can positively affect the health of your teeth. It has a noticeable effect on periodontitis, a widespread problem for many people around the globe. The success of shilajit is due the enzymes which damage bacterial cell walls, particularly lysozymes.